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FAQ of Shinwa Campus Recruitment in 2014

Release time:2013-09-29 10:59:57 | Return list


1. When will the campus recruitment of Shinwa (China) Industries Ltd. begin?

The 2014 Campus Recruitment will be officially launched in mid-October (October 18-November 3). Please pay attention to the official website of Shinwa Company "Recruitment of Talents Page" (

2. What is the campus recruitment process of Shinwa (China) Industries Ltd.?

Shinwa's 2014 Campus Recruitment will begin in mid-October to hold special seminars in five universities in three cities across the country. After each seminar, written examinations, interviews and contracts will be arranged. Schedule of the seminar, please pay attention to campus posters, campus employment network information, Shinwa company website.

3. How to submit resume?

Please send your resume in the form of an attachment to the company's recruitment mailbox: We will browse your resume in time and contact you. We can also submit it your resume on the spot on the day of the seminar.

4. What kind of resume would attract interviewers from Shinwa Company? Resume should include what is required?

We do not encourage you to spend time on the rhetoric and form of your resume. For Shinwa's interviewers, a complete, down-to-earth and concise resume may be more popular. In your resume, please provide authentic information about your academic achievements and abilities, such as grades and comprehensive rankings during the campus period.

5. How do I know if my resume has been screened?

For those students who need to be interviewed through our resume screening, the company's recruiters will give timely telephone, text message or email notification.

6. What are the key points of the company's investigation during the interview process?

The company interview is a comprehensive survey: expressive ability / logical thinking ability / professional knowledge / learning ability / communication ability, etc.

In the interview, we hope that each interviewer can play with ease and ease, and present the interviewer with the most authentic self. Deliberate exertion may cover up the traits that suit our Shinwa. Excessive tension is not conducive to the display of personality. Most importantly, we should have confidence in ourselves.

Let Shinwa company get as much personal information as possible through face-to-face communication, to understand a complete you. In this way, you and I can make full use of this interview for a frank exchange, hoping that each other can achieve their wishes.

7. What is the dress requirement for the applicant and what materials should be carried in the interview?

The company does not have strict dress requirements for applicants, as long as they are neat, clean and decent.

Please prepare a written resume in advance, and bring your transcript, employment recommendation form and the original CET-4 or CET-6 certificate when you come to the interview. You can also bring the relevant certificates together for us to know more about you.

8. What are the welfare benefits enjoyed by the new students?

In order to provide competitive salary in the industry, the company has worked out a salary incentive system with both external competitiveness and enterprise characteristics, while understanding the level of the industry and combining with the actual situation of the enterprise. For excellent graduates, we have more reasonable promotion mechanism and flexible salary policy. As long as it is a talented person, through their own efforts to make achievements, in Shinwa (China) Industries Ltd. will be able to stand out and get corresponding returns.

In addition to the welfare benefits stipulated by the state, we also provide a variety of benefits, such as annual holidays, holiday benefits, annual departmental travel activities, Weekend Sports activities, annual physical health check-ups and company large-scale recreational activities. There are no worries about the future, but also hope that the staff's life can be healthier and more colorful.

9. Does the company's campus recruitment have a bias on schools? For example, we attach great importance to graduates from famous schools?

The company's campus recruitment is mainly carried out in the counterpart universities of some cities in China, but the quality of the talents themselves is the key criterion for our selection. As long as you have the excellent quality that meets the requirements of our position, we will open the door of welcome to you.

10. What is the company's requirement for the applicant's health?

The company's requirements for physical examination are: no infectious diseases and diseases affecting work.

11. If hired by the company, how long will the contract be signed?

3 years.

12. What kind of training does the company provide for new students?

Training is a very important work of the company, the company has a sound training mechanism. New college students'companies will arrange induction training for about three weeks, and then they will arrange regular or irregular professional and management skills training in a planned way. Work is the best training. The steady and rapid growth of Shinwa (China) Industries Ltd. energy supply constantly provides you with challenging job opportunities, so that you can grow with the company.

13. When to report after signing up with the company?

The company adopts the method of centralized reporting for new students, and the reporting time is about mid-July. The specific time will be notified by telephone or email from the HR Department of the company, and will be announced on the recruitment page of the company's official website.

14. What is the company's attitude toward college graduates? Can graduates adapt to it?

Since the company recruited the first batch of college graduates in 2005, the proportion of recruiting talents in Colleges and universities has been increasing every year, and the training system for graduates has become more and more perfect. The company regards excellent graduates as treasures in the talent pool of enterprises, not only cherishing, but also striving to make good use of them.

At present, there are many key employees who have taken on the heavy responsibilities since they grew up. They are very willing to share their successful experience with the new graduates and provide elder brother-like support. We believe that you will soon adapt to the company's human environment.